This version is no longer maintained. The new and improved tool is now located here:
Apul (Automatic PopUp Logger) automatically gets tech support scammer popups and their numbers from blobar redirectors and logs them to a console or file.
Not getting anything?
Change the useragent in the config on line 18 to another browser, preferrably Chrome or IE/Edge. You also have to run this on an United States or Canadian connection on a residential ip. Otherwise it might be a slow day for popups. You should also check back and update the script often, at one point the script bricked when they changed the way they redirected. So it's important to keep updating to the newest version.
If you still have issues you can contact me on discord, Graut#0778
, or file an issue in
What Python version is required?
As of the time of writing I am using Python 2.7.13. Python 3.x.x is known to get stuck on an "inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation," error. It is recommended that you install Python 2.7.x until we update to Python 3.