
Initiate a barebones Golang web-server using gin-gonic as its http framework

Primary LanguageGo


gy-serv-init initiates a new Golang webserver that uses the gin-gonic package as its http framework.


gy-serv-init MyAppName
cd MyAppName

The gy-serv-init command takes in one argument; the project's name. It takes the project name and creates a directory named ${projectName} inside the cwd. This directory is the directory the boilerplate will be written in.

├── src
│   ├── controllers
│   |   ├── main.controllers.go
│   |   └── utils.go
|   |
│   └── router
|       └── router.go
├── .editorconfig
├── .gitignore
├── go.mod
└── main.go