Based on Python 3.7
conda create -n python_concepts python=3.7
source activate python_concepts
curl | bash
pyenv install 3.7
pyenv local 3.7
pyenv versions
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirement.txt --index-url
Compiler: Interpreter:
Main Method:
decorators : wrapping functions
class decorators : wrapping classes [Applied to single class] [After class is created]
Metaclasses : Doing things with class hierarchies [Applied to the whole hierarchy] [Before class is created]
modules present in 'sys.modules' are automatically imported during initialization.
import statements in python doesn't execute code. The import statement brings a name into scope
from module import func
Give me access to the module and say
func = module.func
i.e it binds func
import math
There is no execution of code, it brings the "math" module into the scope
by doing something like :
math = sys.modules['math']
The execution of code happens as a side-effect only when python can't find a module in sys.modules