
The open source WebRing template.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Oring - Open source webring

What is a webring?

A webring (or web ring) is a collection of websites linked together in a circular structure, and usually organized around a specific theme, often educational or social. They were popular in the 1990s and early 2000s, particularly among amateur websites.

To be a part of the webring, each site has a common navigation bar. It contains links to the previous and next site in the web ring. By selecting next (or previous) repeatedly, the user will eventually reach the site they started at. This is the origin of the term webring.

The select-through route around the ring is usually supplemented by a central site with links to all member sites; this prevents the ring from breaking completely if a member site goes offline.

The advantage of a webring is that if a visitor is interested in the topic on one website, they can quickly connect to another similar website. This shared traffic is beneficial to smaller Member Sites.

Member sites add their pages to the ring by 'linking in' to the ring; this requires adding the necessary HTML widget to their site. Once completed, they contact the Ring Admin to add their webpage to the list of Member Sites.

This explaination was borrowed from Wikipedia

This graphic was borrowed from WebringWorld

What is Oring?

Oring is an easy to use free and open source code template to selfhost a webring.

  1. Fork the github repo at (https://github.com/Graycot/Oring).
  2. Change the values within webring.json and sites.json to fit your webring
  3. Make a Netlify account.
  4. Click Add new site, and then click Import an existing project
  5. Connect the site to your forked repo of Oring.
  6. Now when you add members to the sites.json file on your webring repo, Netlify will detect the change and automatically redeploy with the new member list.

HTML Widget

Member sites will insert this code into the HTML body of a webpage.

<!-- Replace "RINGADMIN.COM" with the URL of the Ring Master's website -->
    <a href="https://RINGADMIN.COM/Oring/webring.html.html?action=prev"> < </a>
    <a href="https://RINGADMIN.COM/Oring/webring.html.html?action=list"> ... </a>
    <a href="https://RINGADMIN.COM/Oring/webring.html.html?action=home"> MYWEBRING </a>
    <a href="https://RINGADMIN.COM/Oring/webring.html.html?action=rand"> ? </a>
    <a href="https://RINGADMIN.COM/Oring/webring.html.html?action=next"> > </a>

When a visitor on a member site clicks one of these links, they will be directed to a webpage that the ring admin (you) control. The webring.html page will run the webring.js script.

The script will look at a list of member websites and find the index of the member site that the visitor was on. The script will then find the previous site in the list, the next site in the list, and a random site in the list. Once the calculations are done, it will read the the link fragment after ?action= to determine how and where to redirect the visitor.


/* Oring v5.0. Copyleft 🄯 ALL WRONGS RESERVED 🄯 Gray (g@graycot.dev) (https://graycot.dev/).

Oring is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPLv3+) as published by
the Free Software Foundation. (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/)*/

// get member sites list
.then(response => {
   return response.json();
.then(data => sites(data));

function sites(data) {
  // get sub.domain.TLD of referrer member site.
  var referrerURL = document.referrer;
  // Remove http(s) schemes and www. subdomain from URL.
  var referrerURLReplace = referrerURL.replace(/http(s)?(:)?(\/\/)?|(\/\/)?(www\.)?/g, "");

  // find referrer member site in member list.
  for (i = 0; i < data.webringSites.length; i++) {
    siteURLRaw = data.webringSites[i].siteURL;
    // Chop off everything past the TLD.
    siteURLMatch = siteURLRaw.match(/^(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:[^@\/\n]+@)?(?:www\.)?([^:\/\n]+)/igm, "");
    // Remove http(s) schemes and www. subdomain from URL.
    siteURLReplace = siteURLMatch[0].replace(/http(s)?(:)?(\/\/)?|(\/\/)?(www\.)?/g, "");

    if (referrerURLReplace.startsWith(siteURLReplace)) {
      var referrerIndex = i;
      var referrerSiteURL = data.webringSites[referrerIndex].siteURL;
      var referrerSiteName = data.webringSites[referrerIndex].siteName;
  // Detect whether visitor clicked the Previous, List, Home, Next, Random, or other link:
  const params = new Proxy(new URLSearchParams(window.location.search), {
  get: (searchParams, prop) => searchParams.get(prop),
  var value = params.action;

  // Execute redirect upon Previous, List, Home, Next, Random, or other actions
  if (value == 'prev' && referrerIndex !== undefined) {
      //find previous site in member list
      let previousIndex = (referrerIndex-1 < 0) ? data.webringSites.length-1 : referrerIndex-1;
      let previousSiteURL = data.webringSites[previousIndex].siteURL;
      window.location.href = previousSiteURL;
  } else if (value == 'next' && referrerIndex !== undefined) {
      //find next site in member list
      let nextIndex = (referrerIndex+1 >= data.webringSites.length) ? 0 : referrerIndex+1;
      let nextSiteURL = data.webringSites[nextIndex].siteURL;
      window.location.href = nextSiteURL;
  } else if (value == 'list' || 'home') {
    // get webring data
    .then(response => {
      return response.json();
    .then(data => webring(data));

    // execute using webring data
    function webring(data) {
      var webringHome = data.webringInfo[0].webringHome;
      var webringMemberList = data.webringInfo[0].webringMemberList;

      if (value == 'list') {
        window.location.href = webringMemberList;
      } else {
        window.location.href = webringHome;
  } else if (value == 'test') {
  } else {
      //In-case of value == undefined or referrerIndex is undefined, find random site in member list
      let randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (data.webringSites.length));
      let randomSiteURL = data.webringSites[randomIndex].siteURL;
      window.location.href = randomSiteURL;


    "webringInfo": [
      {"webringName": "Example Ring", "webringHome": "https://example.com/home", "webringMemberList": "https://example.com/home#list"}


    "webringSites": [
            "siteOwner": "Red",
            "siteName": "Radium's rotation",
            "siteURL": "https://example.com/1",
            "siteTags": "Red, roeus",
            "siteShortDescription": "111",
            "siteLongDescription": "1111111"
            "siteOwner": "Blue",
            "siteName": "Bird's bounties",
            "siteURL": "https://example.com/2",
            "siteTags": "Blue, bacon",
            "siteShortDescription": "222",
            "siteLongDescription": "2222222"
            "siteOwner": "Green",
            "siteName": "Greg's grains",
            "siteURL": "https://example.com/3",
            "siteTags": "Green, Grass",
            "siteShortDescription": "333",
            "siteLongDescription": "3333333"

The JSON is fairly self-explanatory. Edit the values to suit your webring. Note, after every Member Site entry, there MUST be a comma EXCEPT for the last Member Site, in-which there MUST NOT be a comma. Additionally, after every member attribute there MUST be a comma EXCEPT for the last member attribute, in-which there MUST NOT be a comma,

is that janky and annoying? Yes, yes it is. Thank JSON for that.

Member list

You can generate a list of the webring members by inserting this HTML fragment: <div id="member-list"><script async src="member-list.js"></script></div> into a webpage. You can modify themember-list.js script to display any of the data contained within the webring.json and sites.json files.