A python library that extracts data from various Starcraft II resources to power tools and services for the SC2 community. Who doesn't want to hack on the games they play?
- 1
Meaning of decoded data attributes
#209 opened by Gary7799 - 3
Merging the different repositories
#178 opened by EHadoux - 0
- 4
Export replay as .avi?
#206 opened by matthewoestreich - 1
- 1
sc2reader broken for new replays
#203 opened by RobbiePlata - 2
Old replay files
#202 opened by agi1512 - 0
PLEASE USE ggtracker/sc2reader INSTEAD
#201 opened by StoicLoofah - 3
"TypeError: ord() expected a character, but string of length 0 found" in v0.6.5
#184 opened by AldoErco - 2
Replay object has no expansion
#198 opened by fuuman - 10
"2207 bytes left!" on newer replays.
#190 opened by MLLeKander - 4
New s2protocol
#193 opened by cjb - 5
How to build the ability csv file?
#191 opened by crorella - 2
Would sc2reader adapt for Heroes?
#189 opened - 0
`None` in game events
#188 opened by StoicLoofah - 30
UnicodeDecodeError for LotV beta replay
#185 opened by StoicLoofah - 1
CommandEvents no longer being generated?
#177 opened by martinkallstrom - 4
Getting the source of an ability
#170 opened by EHadoux - 5
Issues with Mec +1 attack and Mec +1 defense
#166 opened by gmercey - 2
- 0
Problem in Observer class
#174 opened by EHadoux - 4
Parsing error while opening with sc2 program
#175 opened by mehdi-kaytoue - 4
Store extension mods on the replay
#181 opened by StoicLoofah - 12
Is mpyq a hard dependency?
#172 opened by headwinds - 5
Encoding Error for certain replays
#182 opened by RobertTheNerd - 3
Build Order Update
#179 opened by y4n9squared - 10
- 9
Count in UpdateCompleteEvent
#171 opened by EHadoux - 3
- 2
- 10
Error parsing Red Bull Battle Grounds replays
#162 opened by StoicLoofah - 1
Duplicate Events Passed to Plugins
#160 opened by Databean - 13
handleSelectionEvent throws KeyError
#155 opened by eqy - 1
Create a Plugin tutorial
#151 opened by GraylinKim - 2
Investigate: PyPy builds
#144 opened by GraylinKim - 1
handle maps that don't have enUS
#161 opened by dsjoerg - 5
siegetank supply BUG (must be 3, not 2)!
#156 opened by razerfive - 2
UnitDoneEvent BUG: OrbitalCommand vs CommandCenter
#154 opened by razerfive - 3
- 0
Handle plugin exceptions
#149 opened by dsjoerg - 1
- 1
Add Coveralls support
#145 opened by GraylinKim - 2
Cant parse HoTS replay
#150 opened by gmercey - 0
Add player.load_profile() support
#148 opened by GraylinKim - 2
Error on loading on ASUS ROG Summer 2013 replays
#147 opened by StoicLoofah - 1
Add SC2Map/DocumentHeader support
#143 opened by GraylinKim - 1
- 2
- 0
Add SC2Map/DocumentInfo support
#142 opened by GraylinKim - 2
Initial UnitBornEvent
#140 opened by jonomon