
Stratos - watch crash

Closed this issue · 27 comments

Hi All
Have the lattest version installed and it does still crash my watch within an hour or so of loading it as the current watchface sorry to say.

Using the current Stratos OS and running amazmod and the calendar plus a number of apk watchfaces all working perfect exept for greatfit all versions 3.7 and 3.7 beta and 3.8 and yes i have factory reset the watch each time after greatfit caused the crash when it went into lock mode so not sure if i'm the only 1.

What widgets are you using?

I mean on GreatFit...

@domsle seconds on?

I am trying to spot the differences because I have the same setup with no problem :/

Seconds on is not working. Please verify that this is the problem for you too.

Sorry misunderstood you before top left weather top right HR bottom left Phone battery and below that is watch battery and middle left steps that how i set it up.

Hi Just wonder why the thread was changed to seconds causing the crash when i don't use the seconds on the watchface and never have so not sure how it's related to my case but keep up the good work by the way :)

Sorry I changed it before you confirming

I can't replicate the crash 😢
Can I have an error log?

Many users have these strange battery drains 👎 and they are almost random. There is a good post on facebook about how to address them.

The crashes are mostly related with our hacked apks and are difficult to replicate and fix them sometimes.

Think i might have narrowed it down to 3 possible APK watchfaces that may have been causing Greatfit to crash the watch and they are all modded MZI watchfaces that i downloaded from but crossing my fingers Greatfit is still up and running with out those watchfaces installed.

Just an update i have been running Greatfit all day no problems but i have just got the watch to crash and can make it do it every time simply by changing to another APK watchface then change it back to Greatfit and when it goes to lock mode crash it does then i force a restart then it runs fine again so it doesn't seem to matter what other APK watchface is installed it will do it anyway.

I can't replicate it 😞

  1. Install ADB (google it!)
  2. Shift+right click on descktop and select open PowerShell here (provided you are on windows 10)
  3. Connect your watch to PC
  4. Write on the console this command and press Enter:
    adb logcat -d > logcat.txt
    Then send me the logcat.txt file that will appear in your desktop

Here is the log hope it can help.

There is no GreatFit error it this log not even a try to set as watchface. Please encounter the error and then pull the log without restarting 👍

Yep got it to crash and lifted the log while crashed so hope this might show something.

Just an update the same crash issue is still there with the OS update and i did reset after the update sorry to say.

I decided to give the modded versions of Greatfit a try both the black background and white background version and both work fine and i can't get them to crash so there must be a difference between the Stock version that i prefer the best and the modded versions maybe worth looking at.