This is an open source Unity pause menu created for the game New Horizons, and it's completely free because of how a pause menu is a core component of a game, while the unity asset store was lacking in such an asset (until this was released on the asset store).
- aVolpe@fintechworks
- binarynonsense
- bison--Germany
- breezinstein
- brianrichardmccarthyWaterford
- changzhi2009
- corvusvr
- danielanderssonSweden/China
- ddutchieTenebris Lab (PTY) LTD
- djfdat
- emrahsariRoyal Bits
- jroweboyC wage slave :^)
- JustinSchneiderKidStrong, INC
- kennirChina
- LegorobotdudeUSA
- LordAlbiorGood Dog Games
- lucidrapture
- LysanderGGCryptact
- majorikaKorea
- MarkorvKattastrof
- mattsp1290Datadog
- michidk@stabl-energy
- MisterX2000Germany
- nevarmanGermany
- nicksam112Somewhere in California
- OrdepSaculPortugal
- r2d2m
- shohan4556Pixelcraft Studios Ltd (Singapore)
- SimonHartfield
- srxqdsGuangzhou, China
- StabCalloway
- terrehbyte@AcademyOfInteractiveEntertainment
- thebspin
- unitycoderElomatic Oy
- zaplinechina zhuhai hehe
- Ziboo