
My 120th place solution to the PANDA Challenge hosted on Kaggle 🔬

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

PANDA Challenge

My 120th place solution and writeup to the PANDA Challenge hosted on Kaggle by Radboud University Medical Center and Karolinska Institute.

Initial Thoughts

I will keep this overview short and exclude any long winded stories and detailed explanations. Never-the-less this was another great Kaggle competition I was glad to partipate in!


My best solution on the private leaderboard was an ensemble and TTA of 3 models: 1 EfficientNet B0 and 2 EfficientNet B1s. They were all trained on Google Colab Pro for 10-15 epochs. I used the same tiling technique as @iafoss shared early on in the competition.


Simple Pretrained Model w/ GeM pooling -> Flatten -> Dropout(0.5) -> Linear

All models used pretrained weights from PytorchCV and use the same label binning technique shared by @haqishen with BCE loss.

I also started to use Nvidia's Apex for mixed precision training.

Input and Augmentation

As input I used no External Data and used the tilting method shared by @iafoss which can be found here. I split each slide into 36 tiles which are 256px by 256px.

For augmentation I applied it to both each individual tile and to the entire image. For each tile I applied SSR and affine augmentations alone with flipping and coarse dropout. For the entire stiched together image I applied RandomBrightnessContrast and same flipping.


Training was simple: for B0 I trained for 10 epochs and B1 trained for 15 epochs. Both had a batch size of 4 with CosineAnnealingLR scheduler and Adam optimizer.

I used @haqishen's label binning method with BCE loss which can be found here.

Ensembling and TTA

I used simple ensemble + TTA to blend multiple models which boosted my public leaderboard score. More detail and my implementation can be found in the PANDA Inference TTA notebook in this repo.

Final Submission

For my final submission I choose my two best scoring public LB submissions. Unfortunatley they were not my highest scoring submissions so I shook down quite a bit.

What didn't work

  • Any other models besides B0 and B1
  • Cross entropy loss with 6 classes
  • Batch Accumulation
  • Regression
  • More epochs
  • RAdam/AdamW
  • Warmup Schedulers Linear/Cosine

Final Thoughts

Finally I worked on this competition for around 4 months and it was a lot of fun! Its unfortunate I wasn't able to survive shake up and obtain another medal but there is always next time!

My previous competition: Deepfake Detection

My next competition: Melanoma Classification