This Java based API is designed to make adding new slack integrations into your Java applications simple.
The minimal API allows you to:
- Get info from incoming slack commands.
- Build Slack messages with attachemtns.
- Easily send a response to a Slack command, or Incoming Webhook.
This API is currently implemented by slack-integrations-core. For an example of how to use the API in a SpringBoot app to create custom integrations, see springboot-slack-integrations.
compile 'com.github.greatermkemeetup:slack-integrations-api:1.1.0'
use SlackCommand to obtain information from an incoming Slack Command.
Use this interface to obtain instances of SlackMessageBuilder, and AttachmentBuilder.
Use this interface to build up a Slack message, the call .build() to obtain a message string. Depending on the implementation of SlackMessageFactory you use will determine if the returned message string is plain text, or JSON.
Slack screenshot of basic SlackMessageBuilder example.
// SlackMessageFactory implementations provided by slack-integrations-core.
SlackMessageBuilder messageBuilder = slackMessageFactory.createMessageBuilder()
.setText("Eat me, I'm a *delicious* doughnut!") //Markdown is enabled by default
Use this interface to build up attachments that you can add to a SlackMessageBuilder. Not all Slack response types support attachments, but most do.
Slack screenshot of AttachmentBuilder example.
String message = String message = messageFactory.createMessageBuilder()
.setText("Eat me, I'm a *delicious* doughnut!")
.setTitle("Top Donut of the Day")
.setTitle("Your Favorite Donuts", "")
.setText("You have 16 favorite donuts.")
.setTitle("Number 1 Donut")
.setTitle("Number 2 Donut")
Use this interface to create instances of HookRequest objects. Implementations found in slack-integrations-core project.
A reusable object that can be used to send a message to an Incoming Webhook, or a reply URL supplied by a SlackMessage object.
//Used as a reply
HookRequest replyRequest = hookRequestFactory.create(slackCommand.getResponseUrl());
SlackMessageBuilder smb = slackMessageFactory.createMessageBuilder()
.setText("Your wish is my command.");
An interface that makes processing the response from a HookRequest easier. You don't have to worry about wrapping requests in try/catch blocks as this information is captured and provided by the HookResponse object. This makes collections of HookRequests much nicer to process in Java 8 streams, as one thrown exception won't prevent the whole stream from exiting.
import org.gmjm.slack.api.hook.HookResponse.Status;
HookResponse hookResponse = hookRequest.send(messageText);
if(Status.FAILED.equals(hookResponse.getStatus())) {
logger.error("Failed to send response: " + hookResponse.getMessage());
Use this interface to create FileUploadBuilders, and FileUploadRequests. Implementations found in slack-integrations-core project.
FileUploadRequestFactory uploadRequestFactory = new HttpsFileUploadRequestFactory(token);
Supplier<InputStream> inputStreamSupplier = () -> this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/uploads/cat.jpg");
FileUpload fileUpload =
.setTitle("Hello Cat")
.setInitialComment("It's cat time!")
FileUploadResponse response =
if (response.getStatus() == FileUploadResponse.Status.FAILED) {
throw response.getThrowable();
assertEquals(FileUploadResponse.Status.SUCCESS, response.getStatus());
assertEquals("Hello Cat", response.getFileUpload().getOTitle().get());
The RTM API is experimental. Interfaces will change before official release.
Use this interface to create instances of an RtmSessionFactory. Implementations found in slack-integrations-core project.
Send and recieve messages in real time using RtmSession. Register EventConsumer objects on an RtmSession to listen for different Events.
RtmSessionFactory sessionFactory = new WebsocketSessionFactory(token);
RtmSession slackSession = sessionFactory.createSession();
String msg =;
slackSession.registerConsumer(new EventConsumer<JsonNode>() {
public EventConsumerID getId() {
return new EventConsumerID("console-logger");
public void consume(Event<JsonNode> event) {
switch (event.getEventType()) {
case HELLO:
System.out.println("Your message was recieved.");
System.out.println("Someone is typing: " + event.getPayload().toString());
case ERROR:
throw new RuntimeException("Event type was ERROR: " + event.getPayload().toString());