JavaScript Bootcamp

JavaScript Bootcamp Content



  • Introduction And What Is JavaScript ?
  • How To Study The Course ?
  • Setting Up Environment And Tools
  • Work With Chrome Developer Tools
  • Where To Put The Code ?
  • JavaScript Comments And Bad Practices
  • Output To Screen
  • Console Methods And Styling And WebAPI
  • What Is ECMAScript ?

Data Types And Variables

  • Data Types And Typeof Operator
  • Variable Introduction
  • Identifiers Name Convention And Rules
  • Var, Let, Const Compare
  • String Syntax + Character Escape Sequences
  • Concatenations
  • Template Literals (Template Strings)
  • Variable And Concatenation Challenge
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Unary Operators
  • Type Coercion
  • Assignment Operators
  • Operators Challenge

Dealing With Data

  • Number
  • Number Methods
  • Math Object
  • Number Challenge
  • String Methods Part 1
  • String Methods Part 2
  • String Methods Part 3
  • Strings Challenge


  • Array Intro
  • Adding And Removing From Arrays
  • Searching Arrays
  • Modifying Arrays
  • Slicing And Joining Arrays
  • Filtring Arrays
  • Sorting Arrays
  • Arrays And Nested Arrays
  • Destructuring Arrays
  • Arrays Challenges [ 5 Challenges ]

Control Flow

  • If Conditions
  • Nested If
  • Ternary Conditional Operator
  • Advanced If Conditions Example
  • Equals And Identicals
  • Truthy Falsy Pattern
  • Switch Statement
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Control Flow Challenges [ 5 Challenges ]


  • Function Basic User Defined vs Built In
  • Function Return Statement And Use Cases
  • Function With Parameter
  • Advanced Functions Training
  • Self Invoked Function
  • Local And Global Scope
  • This Keyword
  • Arrow Function
  • Default Parameters
  • Rest Parameters
  • Destructuring Function Parameters
  • Higher Order Function
  • Function Challenges [ 5 Challenges ]


  • For Loop
  • Looping On Arrays
  • Nested For Loop
  • While And Do While Loop
  • Control Loop - Break, Continue, Label
  • ForEach Loop
  • Loop Challenges [ 5 Challenges ]


  • Objects Intro
  • Play With Window Object
  • Creating Object With Object Literals
  • Dot Notation vs Bracket Notation
  • More Methods To Create Object
  • Looping On Object Properties
  • Soon
  • Soon
  • Soon
  • Soon
  • Soon
  • Soon
  • Soon
  • Soon
  • Soon
  • Soon
  • Destructuring Object
  • Object Challenges [ 5 Challenges ]

Document Object Model [DOM]

  • What Is DOM ?
  • Manipulating The DOM
  • Document Methods Part 1
  • Document Methods Part 2
  • Get / Set Content And Attributes
  • Class List
  • Dealing With Child Nodes
  • Insert And Remove Elements
  • Cloning
  • Traversing The DOM
  • Deal With Styles And Attributes
  • Events Part 1
  • Events Part 2
  • Events Part 3
  • DOM Informations Part 1
  • DOM Informations Part 2
  • Create Element And Text Part 1
  • Create Element And Text Part 2
  • Create Element And Text Part 3
  • DOM Challenges [ 3 Challenges ]

Browser Object Model [BOM]

  • What Is BOM ?
  • Window Methods Part 1
  • Window Methods Part 2
  • Window Methods Part 3
  • Window Methods Part 4
  • Window Properties Part 1
  • Window Properties Part 2
  • Window Properties Part 3
  • Window Properties Part 4
  • Cookies Part 1
  • Cookies Part 2


Data And Storage

Generators And Modules

  • Generators Part 1
  • Generators Part 2
  • Generators Part 3
  • Generators Part 4
  • Modules Part 1
  • Modules Part 2
  • Modules Part 3

Asynchronous JavaScript Programming

  • Asynchronous vs Synchronous
  • CallStack, WebAPI, Event Loop, Callback Queue
  • Pyramid Of Doom
  • What Is AJAX ?
  • Network Requests And Status Code
  • XMLHTTPRequest Part 1
  • XMLHTTPRequest Part 2
  • Loop On Responses
  • Real Life Examples Of AJAX Call
  • Promise Intro
  • Then And Catch
  • XHR And Promise
  • Prmise All And Race
  • Async
  • Await
  • Error Handling
  • Promise With Async / Await
  • Fetch API
  • Axios

Regular Expressions

Practical Apps

  • Bookmark Application [ 6 Videos ]
  • Sticky Notes [ 8 Videos ]