
Scripts to process the different data files

Primary LanguagePython


Scripts to process the different data files

TrieConvert.py: used by convert_pp.py, convert_pp4.py and convert_pp_pass2.py

convert_pp.py: converts from betacode to UTF-8, post-proc sigmas. Creates BRAT files.

python3 convert_pp.py -f plat.laws_gk.xml

convert_pp4.py: converts from betacode to UTF-8, post-proc sigmas. Creates BRAT files. Does speaker-IDs unlike convert_pp.py

python3 convert_pp4.py -f plat.laws_gk.xml

convert_pp_pass2.py: Takes output from convert_pp4.py and makes the final BRAT version. Splits also in chapters/books.

python convert_pp4.py -f thuc.hist_gk.xml
python convert_pp_pass2.py -f thuc.hist_gk.brat -b -c -r
  (tar and upload all *txt/*ann files to /scratch2/www/brat/data/ThucydidesP
  fix permissions on all files.
  copy annotation.conf, tools.conf, visual.conf)

bratstats.py: Counts statistics on brat .txt and .ann files

Example: (specify the *txt files (wildcards are expanded))
python3 bratstats.py -f "thuc.hist_gk.brat.book6*.txt"

compare_wlt.py: Compares two wlt files, or one stats and one wlt file.

conllXtostandoff.py: Script to convert a CoNLL X (2006) tabbed dependency tree format file into BioNLP ST-flavored standoff and a reconstruction of the original text.

convert_perseus_csv.py: converts /Users/pberck/Downloads/hib_parses_uc.csv to word-lemma-tag. Used to make perseus-wlt.txt

python3 convert_perseus_csv.py > hib_parses_uc.csv.wlp
python3 rewrite_perseus.py -f hib_parses_uc.csv.wlp > hib_parses_uc.csv.wlp.rwrt
(cp hib_parses_uc.csv.wlp.rwrt ~/SurfdriveRadboud/Shared/PerspectiveProject/GreekPerspectives/Software/Lemmatizer/Scripts/perseus-wlt.txt)

convert_tags.py: Converts the part-of-speech=".." and morphology=".." tag to an all inclusive postag.

Input filename hdt.xml en output filename hdt.postag.xml zijn hard-coded. 
hdt.xml moet in dezelfde directory liggen als convert_tags.py. 
Leest de mapping uit tagsmap.txt in dezelfde directory

merge_proiel_perseus.py: Merget de twee output files van rewrite_proiel.py en rewrite_perseus.py.

python3 merge_proiel_perseus.py -f greek_Haudag.pcases.lemma.lex.rewrite -F perseus-wlt.txt > proiel_v2_perseus_merged.txt

mybeta2unicode.py: adapt to TEI xml format of Thucydides, (c) James Tauber

rewrite_perseus.py: Eerste conversie SQL dump - de output heeft een tweede conversie slag nodig om de complexere P tags erin te zetten.

python3 rewrite_perseus.py -f hib_sqldump_word_lemma_tag.utf8 > hib_sql.out.txt

(venv) durian:lemmatiser pberck
python3 rewrite_perseus.py -f 04_perseus/d638f82gs4.txt.utf8b > 04_perseus/d638f82gs4.txt.utf8b.rwrt

rewrite_proiel_v3.py: Rewrites tags in greek_Haudag.pcases.lemma.lex, uses info from perseus-wlt.lex.

python3 rewrite_proiel_v3.py > greek_Haudag.pcases.lemma.lex.rewrite_new