
Unpacked archive of uptools3.tar.gz for personal reference

Primary LanguageC

Good luck with the latest UNIPEN package uptools3 
This is VERSION 3.2

Louis Vuurpijl and Lambert Schomaker -- versions 2 and 3
uplib version 1 was made by Gerben Abbink

We hope that the next installation instructions will be sufficient. They
were for a number of installations on diverse machines for us.

0) unpack uptools3.tar.gz (which you already did)
1) edit Makefile.template 
   a) set the variable UPTOOLS, typically your current working directory
      In that case, leave it to USE_PWD
   b) set the variable MY_TCL_DIR and MY_TCL_LIB if you have not installed
      Tcl7.6/Tk4.2 in /usr/local/lib or so.
   c) In some cases, you may have to set the variables X11_INCLUDE and X11_LIB.
   d) If you want an installation somewhere, edit the INSTALL variables
2) run ./configure
3) type 'make all'
4) Consider the KNOWN PROBLEMS section if it fails
5) if you wish to install it somewhere, type 'make install'

If you made it local, type 'source UPTOOLS_SETTINGS' and type 'uptools_tutorial'

If you installed it, you will have a directory 'UP_INSTALL_UL_LIB', which
contains UPTOOLS_SETTINGS. What I did after installation, was:

edit my .login and added the lines

setenv UP_INSTALL_UL_LIB /usr/local/lib/uptools3
setenv UPWORKS_RESOURCE_FILE ~/.upworksrc
setenv UPWORKS_FONTS         ~/.upworks_fonts

For running 'upworks', you will need two resource files, something like
.upworksrc and

A proper .upworksrc is UpworksDefaults, contained in this distribution
A proper .upworks_fonts can be created via:

	xlsfonts > .upworks_fonts


I)  When making 'upworks', the compiler complaints about:
    "unrecognized option `-KPIC'". This error occurs on some solaris
    systems, because the configure script thinks -KPIC is a correct option.

    Solve this by editing Tools/Upworks/unix/Makefile, and change the line

II) When compiling, the compiler complaints about X11-header files not found.
    Solution: see 1c).