
Source code of the openLCA format converter.

Primary LanguageJavaMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

openLCA Format Converter

This repository contains the source code of the openLCA format converter. The converter is a tool for converting LCA data sets from one LCA data format to another. It currently supports the EcoSpold 1, EcoSpold 2, ILCD, and SimaPro CSV data format. For more information please see the documentation at openLCA.org.

Repository content

The converter is a plain Java application with a standard Maven project layout. It uses an embedded HyperSQL database for mapping entities from one format to another. These data are stored as plain CSV text files and are contained in this repository. The data sets are converted using Velocity templates. Additionally, schemas, stylesheets, etc. of the different data formats are contained in this repository. These additional resources can be found under folder).


To build this project you need to have a Java Development Kit >= 7 and Maven installed. With this just navigate to this source code repository and type

mvn package

This will create a single execuatable jar with all dependencies included in the target folder.


Unless stated otherwise, all source code of the openLCA project is licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. Please see the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory of the source code.