Field Trip

This repository requires and has been tested on Ruby v2.7.4 and is based on Rails 5.2.8.

RSpec and Shoulda-Matchers have been installed and set up.


  1. fork this repo
  2. clone your fork
  3. git clone <repo_name>
  4. cd <repo_name>
  5. bundle install
  6. rails db:{drop,create,migrate,seed}

When you run bundle exec rspec you should have 2 passing tests.


  • Work on this assessment independently. DO NOT discuss with anyone.
  • You are allowed to use any references including notes, Google, lesson plans, etc.
  • Read each story carefully before you start working.
  • Commit Frequently, about every 15 - 30 minutes
  • Push your code to your fork once the time is up (not before!)


Once the time for the assessment is up, push your code to your fork and create a pull request to the turingschool-examples repository. Include the following:

  • Your Name
  • A reflection on how you felt you did with this challenge and what story you got through


  • TDD all new work
  • model methods and relationships must be fully tested.

Not Required

  • No visual styling is required or expected
  • You do not need to test for or create any model validations.


Field Trip is an app that allows a user to see airlines, flights, and passengers. Make sure to read all instructions, tasks, and user stories before getting started.

Database information

  • Airlines have a name
    • Ex: name: “Frontier”
  • Flights have a number, date, departure city, and arrival city
    • Ex: number: “1727”, date: “08/03/20”, departure_city: “Denver”, arrival_city: “Reno”
    • For this app, it does not matter how you format the flight’s date
  • Passengers have a name and age
    • Ex: name: “Joe”, age: 7
  • Airlines have many flights
  • Flights belong to an airline
  • Flights have many passengers
  • Passengers can have many flights

Some of the initial migrations and model set up has been done for you.

User Stories

User Story 1, Flights Index Page

As a visitor
When I visit the flights index page
I see a list of all flight numbers
And next to each flight number I see the name of the Airline of that flight
And under each flight number I see the names of all that flight's passengers
User Story 2, Remove a Passenger from a Flight

As a visitor
When I visit the flights index page
Next to each passengers name
I see a link or button to remove that passenger from that flight
When I click on that link/button
I'm returned to the flights index page
And I no longer see that passenger listed under that flight,
And I still see the passenger listed under the other flights they were assigned to
User Story 3, Airline's Passengers

As a visitor
When I visit an airline's show page
Then I see a list of passengers that have flights on that airline
And I see that this list is unique (no duplicate passengers)
And I see that this list only includes adult passengers

(Note: an adult is anyone with age greater than or equal to 18)


Extension, Frequent Flyers

As a visitor
When I visit an airline's show page,
Then I see that the list of adult passengers is sorted
by the number of flights each passenger has taken on the airline from most to least

(Note: you should only make 1 database query to retrieve the sorted list of passengers)