The major gimmicks of the game are its power-ups and the 'bosses', essentially large bricks that need multiple hits.
Available to play in the Android google play store: Cinder
Using Unity 2020.3+ open the project in the folder, 'Cinder'. Press play. The game is setup that it requires the scene 'Loading' to be run first. There is a tool for navigating to the games scenes. You can find this under the menu Cinder > Cinder Window
Often my paid work is NDA and I can't show anything when looking for new opportunities. So this is a little sampling of what I can do, squeezed in after work and between life.
Developed as a rapid prototype in 2016 to demonstrate how rapidly I can make a game with hand made assets. Now updated (in late 2020) to the some of the new standards Terry has learnt since it was originally written.