
The DKSAP implementation for the Polkadot ecosystem

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

The dual-key stealth address protocol for ERC721


Public ledgers are generally seen as pseudo-anonymous as addresses can be linked to one person although that person’s identity is unknown to the public. However, by combining this info with other data it is possible to discover the real-world identity behind the address. Many individuals and companies prefer to have an additional layer of security to keep their privacy. That’s where dual-key stealth address protocol comes to play.

This project was funded by the Web3 Foundation Grants Program.

Medium articles:


The first full working implementation of DKSAP(Dual-Key Stealth Address Protocol) was announced by a developer known as rynomster/sdcoin in 2014 for ShadowSend, a capable, efficient and decentralized anonymous wallet solution. The DKSAP has been implemented in many cryptocurrency systems since then, including Monero, Samourai Wallet, and TokenPay, just to name a few. The protocol takes advantage of two pairs of cryptographic keys, namely a scan key pair and a spend key pair, and computes a one-time encrypted address per transaction, as detailed below:

  • The receiver has two private/public key pairs (s, S) and (b, B), where S = s^G and B = b^G are scan public key and spend public key, respectively. Here G is the base point of an elliptic curve group.

  • The sender generates an ephemeral key pair (r, R), where R = r^G, and transmits it with the transaction.

  • Both the sender and receiver can compute a shared secret c using the ECDH: c = hash(r^s^G) = hash(r^S) = hash(s^R), where the hash is a cryptographic hash function.

  • The sender uses c^G + B as the ephemeral destination address for sending the token.

  • The receiver actively monitors the blockchain and checks whether some transaction has been sent to the purported destination address c^G + B. Depending on whether the wallet is encrypted, the receiver can compute the same destination address in two different ways, i.e., c^G + B = (c + b)^G. If there is a match, the token can be spent using the corresponding private key c + b. Note that the ephemeral private key c + b can only be computed by the receiver.

In DKSAP, if an auditor or a proxy server exists in the system, the receiver can share the scan private key s and the spend public key B with the auditor/proxy server so that those entities can scan the blockchain transaction on behalf of the receiver. However, they are not able the compute the ephemeral private key c + b and transfer the token.

Project Details

This project demonstrates how to build non-fungible tokens with an anonymous owner for the Polkadot ecosystem.

How to play


If you are a new talent for Polkadot blockchain or Node.js, please install the environment first.

Download substrate-contracts-node

Install Node.js environment

Please install cargo-contract before building contracts, because we need to add nightly builds to runtime env & install binaryen in a version >= 99.

# Install project dependencies
npm install -d
Start the local substrate node
./substrate-contracts-node --dev
Build contract
cd erc721
cargo +nightly contract build
Test contract
cargo +nightly test
Generate docs
cargo doc --open
Deploy contract

Upload compiled contract erc721/target/ink/erc721.contract to a local node by Substrate Contracts UI.

Base URI for deployment constructor

How to deploy the contract to the local node

Update contract address

Copy the erc721 contract address from substrate contracts UI after the contract is deployed, open config/default.json, and update ContractAddress.

Note: Please back to the project root directory before running the below commands.
Start relayer service
node relayer/index.js
Generate key pairs
node client/0-generateKeyPair.js
Register public keys
node client/1-registerScanKey.js
Alice mint NFT
node client/2-mintToAlice.js
Alice approve Bob to transfer the NFT
node client/3-aliceApproveToBob.js
Bob transfer NFT to Charlie
node client/4-bobTransferToCharlie.js
Charlie transfer NFT to Alice
node client/5-charlieTransferToAlice.js
Alice burns NFT
node client/6-aliceBurn.js

Future Plan

  • Currently, user transactions are sent free of charge by relayer. This is not possible in the production environment, so we need to modify the relayer in the future version. We can add a deposit function to NFT so that users can deposit tokens into the contract, and then transfer the token as a transaction fee to the relayer based on zero-knowledge proof.
  • The smart contracts of Green Lemon Protocol for Polkadot

Demo Video

Milestone 1