
A xmpp reverse proxxy

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

This is a XMPP reverse proxy

What for i need this

If you have multiply XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) chat server in your intranet. But only one public ip. You need to decide by domain of xmpp handshake where to send traffic to.

Schema what for you need this software

Compile depends

First, i need some librarys with other licence, so you will need to compile this software by your own.

The easyest way is to use ant


or on ubuntu

apt-get install openjdk-7-jre ant openssl

To download the depends you need ivy



How to compile

Run on your console

ant resolve
ant compile
ant jar

to get your build/jar/xmpp-proxy.jar


Place an ini filewhere ever you want.

This file should contain

example.de =
a.example.com =
b.example.com =

Just a list of domains an the local targets.

You can give a port or not. But default it will use the same port as where the proxy is listen on.


java -jar /opt/xmpp-proxy.jar --port=5222 --ssl_port=5223 --ssl_cert=/etc/ssl/your.domain.pem --config=/etc/xmpp.ini


In the contribute folder you will find supervisor config.


apt-get install supervisor

In contrast to a normal start script, it will restart the server in case of a crash.


You hava 4 Parameter

port | The plain text xmpp port. Should be 5222 config | The path to the ini file. This fill will check all 3 sec for modification an reloadet if required ssl_port | The optional port for crypted xmpp connections. Should be 5223 ssl_cert | Only required if ssl_port was set. Should be a x509 file, Including private key and cert.


This software logs to console and syslog.

rsyslogd and lograte config files can be found in contribute folder.


The proxy use a x509 pem file like apache or haproxy. It will create a new temporary java keysstore on start.

For this are commands openssl and keytool required. For windows users: They need to be within your $PATH variable.

You need to restart the server if the pem file changed.
