
Map Info

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Currently only an image of the map is displayed. Displaying the features of the map as well as some small stats (keep some stuff hidden) would be good and make it easier for players to pick a map, and make the map variations clearer.

There is a gap between the menu and the play button could provide the info. However, this is a cheap and quick solution (suitable for 1.1 as level info will change with the addition of various enemies in 1.2)

Currently, the level select shows a preview of the levels, it's name, and then info for the leaderboards. It would be better if the following was also added:

  • Information about any special traits (i.e. loop not allowing top level modules)
  • Information about enemies found in the map
  • Information about the bosses
  • Generalised information about the map's balance
  • Amount of lives and gold to start
  • Maybe some tips that can be unlocked once you reach a certain score

Not all of this information needs to be added, but certainly more information is needed. Possibly show it as it is currently, then if an info button is clicked/tapped, you're shown more detailed information on an in-game wiki (#88). It also shouldn't extend the amount of time it takes to get into a level, or resume a level, so having it on an optional extra menu/screen for the extra info could be very useful.

An issue was identified with the new UI, what map is selected isn't clear enough. Possibly grey out other options when one is selected?