
add to python path: array_fitting_tools/bin

Requirements (parantheses indicate what I am using):

Please update this list as you encounter dependencies not listed here!

  • pandas (0.16.2)
  • lmfit (0.8.3) ** Note that lmfit 0.9.0+ would NOT work with the current pipeline.
  • joblib (0.9.0b2)
  • seaborn (0.7.0)
  • scikits.bootstrap (0.3.2)
  • statsmodels (0.6.1)
  • scipy (0.16.0)
  • numpy (1.11.1)


findSeqDistribution to annotate variants onto clusters.

To fit binding curves:

  • processData to make series file from CPfluor directories.
  • normalizeSeries to normalize fluoresecence by all-cluster images.
  • singleClusterFits to do initial, minimally constrained fits on all single clusters.
  • findFmaxDist to fit the distribution of fmax of good variants.
  • bootStrapFits to revise estimates by constraining fmax and bootstrapping the fits.

To fit on/off rates:

  • processData to make series file from CPfluor directories.
  • normalizeSeries to normalize fluoresecence by all-cluster images.
  • fitRatesPerCluster to fit individual clusters to on/off rates.
  • bootStrapFitFile to bootstrap fit parameter to obtain 95% confidence intervals.

Other scripts:

  • can be used to run all 4 scripts.
  • compressBarcodes can take in a CPseq file and find unique barcode file. Also assesses quality.
  • fitBackgroundTile will fit background clusters with the same method used above to better understand how noise contributes to fit values
    • This one probably won't work out of the box: talk to me.
  • medianSubsetCPseries will take the per-variant median of a CPseries, and optionally subset to only include one tile.


For more info, see the wiki page