A light-weight, embeddable transaction manager for instant reliability without design efforts in your code. If you are reading this file then you are probably looking at our project fork on GitHub, meant to allow community members to fork and contribute. By contributing here, you can help steer the future direction of Atomikos TransactionsEssentials.
This GitHub project is merged and updated regularly with our internal development repository (“trunk”) to work towards our next open source release (note: stable maintenance releases and our commercial power features are managed outside GitHub).
IMPORTANT: this new repository was not yet publicly announced in the Atomikos community so it appears a bit lonely. Don’t let that discourage you towards contributing - it will be announced soon enough. Also, we don’t develop on GitHub ourselves so you won’t see a lot of our commits here - only refreshes when we merge + push to GitHub. That is because at least initially, the sole purpose of this project is to allow interested GitHub community members to fork and contribute useful features to what we have.
See Getting Started for general documentation, and our Community Page for how to join, including most wanted contributions.
See documentation at www.atomikos.com/Documentation
Register and download from www.atomikos.com
Register and download from www.atomikos.com
Or check Maven Central (no samples available there)
Pull latest from repo git pull origin master
and try mvn clean install -Popensource
Please fork to contribute, and send a pull request when you have a contribution ready for our review. Note: our open source work is only possible because of the money we make on commercial support and power features, so please understand that we may reject contributions that we believe to be in conflict with our commercial distribution. Otherwise, there would not be this open source code base to contribute to in the first place… Thank you!
See http://www.atomikos.com/Main/WhichLicenseApplies
Copyright (c) 2000-2016, Atomikos - all rights reserved.
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