
Converts music to MP3 files

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Music Converter

Converts music from FLAC, MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG to MP3

Why ?

Because I have a folder of more than 3k music files in FLAC format that I need to convert to MP3 to be played into GTA games in the User Tracks folder.

All GTA games only accepts MP3 formats for their User Tracks.

How to use it ?

The simplest way is to use the Docker Container shipped.

You can run it in a simple docker run command, or with the docker compose file.

docker run --rm --name music-converter -v ./music-flac:/source -v ./music-mp3:/dest ghcr.io/greepthesheep/node-music-converter/music-converter

(The --rm argument will automatically delete the container when the task is finished)

You can use it in cron tasks also.

Another way is to use Node.js and use it from source.

Environment variables

Variable Description Defaults
SOURCE_DIR The source directory, where all your music files are located at /source
DEST_DIR The destination directory, where all your files are converted /dest
DELETE_DEST_ON_START If true, deletes and recreates the DEST_DIR false
IGNORE_EXISTS If true, ignore if file is already converted. Else delete the converted file and reconverts it true
MP3_BITRATE The MP3 bitrate in kpbs 256