
Source code for my responsive static website at http://www.gregboggs.com

Primary LanguageCSS

GregBoggs.com based on Hugo Starter Kickstart

This is my website for GregBoggs.com using Starter Kickstart for Hugo with the Starter theme and Twenty.


  1. Prose.io integration
  2. Google Analytics
  3. Pagination
  4. Related posts by category and tag
  5. Optional sidebars
  6. Drop down menu header
  7. Flat scroller
  8. Recent Posts
  9. Contact Form


  1. Install Hugo
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Clone the Starter theme
  4. Run Hugo with Starter theme

In other words:

git clone https://github.com/Greg-Boggs/gregboggs.com.git
cd gregboggs.com
hugo server -w -t twenty


Content License

The content of my blog in the the following folder is creative commons attribution 3.0.

All other directories and files including my modifications are under various open licenses (GPL3, MIT, CCA 3.0) licensed by thier creator. You can check their folders if you care about such things.