
docker-compose environment for PHP app local development

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Image build

make build image=php8.0


Put your PHP application into src/ and public files (e.g. index.php) into src/public/

Makefile provides shortcuts. Argument php is optional

make start php=8.0

For xdebug images

make debug php=8.0

To stop containers

make stop

Files organization

Nginx listening for files in src/public/ on port 8080.


To run composer inside container exec

docker exec -it project_dir_php_1 composer install

or use official composer image https://store.docker.com/images/composer

Note: Official composer image is used unside php container.

Permissions in linux volumes

For fresh docker installation read Post-installation steps for Linux

To avoid permissions issues follow instructions from article "Use Linux user namespaces to fix permissions in docker volumes"


Word USER in listings should be replaced by your system user name: id -u -n

  1. Create or add to existing file /etc/docker/daemon.json
    "userns-remap": "USER"
  1. Edit file /etc/subuid
  1. Edit file /etc/subgid

Replace 996 with value returned by command getent group docker

Instead of above you can also often run

chown $(id -un) -R .