I found this little blob engine code, and converted it run on Android with Kotlin. See the WPF dot.Net version.
From the website: Blob Sallad
Original version by: Björn Lindberg
Blob Sallad — Canvas Tag and JavaScript Physics Simulation Experiment
Here's the code that calculates the Verlet Integration to integrate Newton's equations of motion, as used in the Störmer method.
fun move(dt: Float) {
val dt2 = dt * dt
val currX = pos.x
val prevX = prev.x
val accX = _force.x / mass
prev.x = currX
pos.x = (2.0f - friction) * currX - (1.0f - friction) * prevX + accX * dt2
val currY = pos.y
val prevY = prev.y
val accY = _force.y / mass
prev.y = currY
pos.y = (2.0f - friction) * currY - (1.0f - friction) * prevY + accY * dt2