LED mapping with arbitrary 3D Geometric arrangements. Uses SOP Point Color attribute and Group SOP bounds to control colors.
This is a visualizer but also has the ability to send the rgb color data out to your led controller. The visualizer is an arcball camera and can be manipulated with a mouse.
The SOP geometry determines the addressing for your leds.
For example with this box arrangement shows the led pixel indices.
There's a CHOP named LED_Data. The first 3 samples correspond to the RGB of the first sop point/led index. The next 3 samples are for the second point/led index , and so on.
This data can then go directly out to your led controller.
See here for a Depth Peel + GLSL method: https://github.com/wuestenarchitekten/collection/tree/master/LEDCubeRender
(actually that seems to be some method based on Depth Peeling, but ratherhave multiple cameras instead of multiple peels. The basis for a true Depth Peel method can be found here: link)