Custom Communication Message Board Challenge


This is a message board system where posts are on the front page and one clicks through to see the original post with the discussion displayed below.

The program has the following featues:

  • Self-serve user sign-up, sign-in, and sign-out
  • Latest postings displayed on main page
  • User postings displayed on User Profile pages
  • Postings can be replied to by any user
  • A list of Users can be displayed


System Dependencies

  • Ruby 2.3.3
  • Rails 5
  • Bootstrap V4
  • Slim (templating language)

Tests are in Rspec and Spinach.

Project Board

The Trello board for this project can be found at this link.

Starting the app

  • type rails server in a console window
  • connect to app on localhost:3000
  • Click on a message to see conversation details.

Testing the app

This application has a set of rspec tests for the models and spinach tests for the end to end operations that you can run to validate operation and get some description of structure and operation.

command action
RAILS_ENV=test rake run all tests
rspec unit tests only
spinach end-to-end tests only

Both rspec and spinach tests can be run individually by specifying the name of the test file as an argument to the command.

Both rspec and spinach commands may need to be prefaced with bundle exec to ensure the proper versions are run.