
Modern-Dialogs are JavaFX libraries with modern-looking alerts. They are a user-friendly alternative to the normal JavaFX alerts.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Version: 1.1.0 Language: Java Framework: JavaFX JavaFX Version: 19

Modern-Dialog-Windows is a JavaFX library with modern-looking alerts. They are a user-friendly alternative to the normal JavaFX alerts.

Looks Awesome. Is Awesome To Use.

Similar to JavaFX alerts, but with more adaptability.

You can choose between two styles: rounded and classic and the color themes black and white. Modern-Dialog-Windows does not use ButtonsType objects but normal Button objects, which is way simpler to handle.

Based on Stages.

The idea behind Modern-Dialog-Windows is that you can customize everything you want. And to do that, every alert can return a Stage with getStage(). Example: If you want to change the dimensions of the Stage, just add myAlert.getStage().setHeight(200); to your code.

Huge range of alerts

This library not only contains a basic alert but a big collection of seven different alerts. If an alert of your need is not in the library, just create one with the MDialogWindow class. Following is a list of all alerts.

Alerts Overview.

Hierarchy Name Where to use?
1. Superclass MDialogWindow To create your own alerts.
2. MDialogWindow MAlert Basic information or error alert.
2. MDialogWindow MTextInputAlert Ask for input e.g. ask for a document name.
2. MDialogWindow MImageAlert Show an image and give options e.g. share.
2. MDialogWindow MWebAlert Show a website or HTML file e.g. for a login.
2. MDialogWindow MScrollPaneAlert Lot of information in one alert.
3. MScrollPaneAlert MWelcomeAlert Show text with an image in a scroll pane e.g. "What's New?" Screen
3. MScrollPaneAlert MMultiInformationAlert Accordion in a scroll pane with a lot of space e.g. About Screen.

What's New?

Release 1.1.0 (Same, same but different)

⚠️ Before you update: Please read the full changelog, because a few method names changed, however, no functionality was removed.

The new release contains a new alert called MWebAlert which can show websites or HTML files in your alert. This allows you to create log-in alerts or other HTML, CSS and JavaScript based alerts. The backend also changed a lot, however, nothing much changed for you, just use this version like any other before.


Read the official documentation for more help.

JavaFX 19 Downloads

Version Download Current
1.1.0 Download Yes

JavaFX 18 Downloads

Version Download Current
1.1.0 Download Yes
1.0.0 Download No

MAlert Sneak Peek.

Let's create a basic MAlert t could be displayed when a file creation fails:

MAlert mAlert = new MAlert(MAlert.MAlertType.ERROR, "Error"); // error alert with title
mAlert.setHeadline("Error while creating a new file."); // set the headliner
mAlert.setSecondHeadline("Check if you run this application as superuser and try it again."); // set the content text (wrap text is enabled)
mAlert.setInfoText("Error (23) - Contact our customer support if you need further help: +12 345 67890"); // adds some extra information
mAlert.addButton("Try again", event -> System.out.println("I need HEEELP"), true); // adds a button with a text and an ActionEvent (in this case printing something to the console)
mAlert.show(); // shows the stage


You can do the following if you want to make some stage changes, such as changing the alert size or set the resizeable feature to true:


More Screenshots.

MTextInputAlert MTextInputAlert

You want to see Modern-Dialog-Windows in Action?

Here are a few projects who are using Modern-Dialog-Windows. Append this list when your project uses Modern-Dialog-Windows!

Word Guesser uses Modern-Dialog-Windows (Version: 0.1.1): Word Guesser on GitHub