
inerpolation of functions mapping to a vector space

Primary LanguageC++

polynomials to interpolate functions {#mainpage}

Feature syntax
construction polynomial<> P( {t0,t1,t2,...,tp}, {y0,y1,y2,...,yp} )
evaluation y = P( time )
differentiation y = P.deriv( time, order )
rootfinding t = P.findroot( rootfn, tlower, tupper )
differentiation polynomial<> deriv = P[order]
hermite interpolation polynomial<> P( {t0,t0,t0,t1}, {y0,dy0,ddy0,y1} )
integration P.integrate( t0, t1 )
addition/substraction polynomial<> sum = P1 + P2
adding points* P.add_point( tnew, ynew )
    • limited support for adding derivatives ( that is tnew already exists in t_ )


  • automatic sorting of input, so t_[0] <= t_[1] <= ... <= t_[p]
    • in this case add_point will have to insert the new point at an appropriate spot
    • this requires to store all finite differences
  • add spline class which stores all divided differences for dynamic order interpolation
  • set default the identical function for rootfn if state_type can be compared to 0. this way, a root of the polynomial is found