
Create shiny widgets for explorative analysis of likert data

Primary LanguageR

The shinyLikert package

Gregor de Cillia

This pakage lets you create shiny widgets for likert scal data with simple syntax. Typacal plots created by this library look like this

td = createTestData( 100, 10 )
likert_table = likert::likert( td$likert_data )
HH::likert( x = likert_table$results )

The widgets include interactive inputs to alter the plot. An interactive output might look like this

fluidPage( renderShinyLikert( 
  dropdown = "country" )

alt text

Note that this is just a screenshot of the widget produced. To see dynamic examples, you can either download the package and run the files in the examples directory yourself or go here


to get examples which are processed by an online server. The package can be installed from an R terminal with

