
A machine-readable representation of the Intel x86 Instruction Set Reference.

MIT LicenseMIT

x86 Encoding Data (Intel)

This repository contains a machine-readable (CSV) representation of the instruction encoding tables contained in Intel® 64 and IA-32 architectures software developer's manual volume 2.


Instructions are represented as rows in a UTF-8 encoded CSV file.

Columns correspond to the fields in the Intel instruction set reference. See "3.1 INTERPRETING THE INSTRUCTION REFERENCE PAGES" in the reference manual for a detailed description. Columns are as follows:

  1. Instruction: Describes the accepted operands and instruction semantics. Corresponds to the instruction column in the Intel instruction set reference.
  2. Opcode: The byte-wise encoding of the instruction. Corresponds to the opcode column in the Intel instruction set reference.
  3. 64-bit Mode Support: Indicates whether the encoding is valid in 64-bit mode. Corresponds to either the first value in the "64/32 -bit Mode Support" or the the "64-bit Mode" column in the Intel instruction set reference.
  4. 32-bit/Legacy Support: Indicates whether the encoding is valid in 32 and 16-bit mode. Corresponds to either the second value in the "64/32 -bit Mode Support" or the the "Compat/Leg Mode" column in the Intel instruction set reference.
  5. Feature Flags: CPUID feature flags required for the instruction. Corresponds to the "CPUID Feature Flag" field in the Intel instruction set reference.
  6. Operand 1: The encoding of the first operand.
  7. Operand 2: The encoding of the second operand.
  8. Operand 3: The encoding of the third operand.
  9. Operand 4: The encoding of the fourth operand.
  10. Tuple Type: The tuple type used for compressed displacement encoding.

A Note on Excel Compatability

The csv document is encoded using UTF-8. Excel does not properly detect this, and as such does not display certain symbols correctly. Adding byte-order marks fixes this, but were excluded for easier machine parsing.