
a small stepper powered, worm geared, direct drive extruder/toolhead system


Double Folded Ascender Extruder - Release "4"

Folded Ascender is a take on the "popular" worm direct-driven extruder system. It is available in a 20:1 variant.

The original concept was originally developed by Trails and RentableSocks back in ~March 2019, it has since evolved many times and RentableSocks has now taken over development on this extruder full time.

Our discord server can be found here:

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The BOM and Sourcing Guide for this product can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O3eyVuQ6M4F03MJSDs4Z71_XyNjXL5HFTZr1jsaAtRc/edit?usp=sharing