Little Esty Shop

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Little Esty Shop is a webhosted application that emulates the workings of a typical web store.

It holds data for the merchants and customers that would be using the store including invoices, transactions, items and invoice items which store information about the items that are on a given invoice.


There are two main sections of the website; one for merchants and one for site admins each with their respective dashboard pages. The Admin dashboard is accessed using /admin and the Merchant dashboard is accessed using /merchants/:id

On the merchant dashboard, you are able to see information about that merchant, including statistics on the customers and items ready to ship. It also has links to pages with more information about the items and invoices that belong to that specific merchant.

On the admin dashboard you see information about all invoices and custormers for the shop and links to more information about all merchants and invoices which have more tailored information.


Philip Alex Nate Greg

