Erasmus+ SDS Mamacita

SDS Mamacita is a project aimed at assisting Erasmus students studying at Poznań University of Technology by providing them with a list of available courses, the credits allocated for each course, enabling them to create a learning agreement through the website, and offering many other features that allow the user to choose their courses with all the information they need.


  • Product Owner: RODRÍGUEZ Pablo
  • Scrum Master: RODRÍGUEZ Pablo
  • Developers:
    • SAILLY Gregory
    • VONGSANTI Nicolas


Product Owner

  • Responsible for maximizing the value of the product delivered by the Scrum Team.
  • Develops and communicates the Product Goal.
  • Creates and communicates Product Backlog (PB) items.
  • Orders PB items to achieve the Product Goal.
  • Makes sure that the team understands the PB items.

Scrum Master

  • Coaches team members in Scrum, self-management, and cross-functionality.
  • Helps the Scrum Team focus on developing product increments that meet quality criteria.
  • Causes the removal of impediments to the team's progress.
  • Ensures that all Scrum events take place and are positive, productive, and kept within timeboxes.


  • Create a plan for the Sprint (Sprint Backlog).
  • Ensure that the increment meets the Definition of Done.
  • Adapt their plan daily towards the Sprint Goal.
  • Hold each other accountable as professionals.

Communication strategies

We will communicate using WhatsApp for fast messaging and Discord for videocalls. To do real life meetings we will go to the Centrum Library.

User manual

To use the app, just click :

Installation manual

Note : Make sure to have angular already installed on your device.

  1. Create a local directory on your computer
  2. Open a terminal and go to your new directory
  3. Clone the project with the git clone command :
git clone
  1. Move to the project directory :
cd SDS-Mamacita
  1. Install dependencies :
npm install
npm install -g @angular/cli
  1. Run the project :
ng serve --open