This is a Spring Cloud Config add-on that provides encryption via AWS (Amazon Web Services) KMS (Key management service).
Given you have a Spring Boot application.
Add dependency to you pom. This includes
Configure bootstrap properties. See Spring Cloud Config Reference for details.
E.g. bootstrap.yml
region: eu-west-1
keyId: arn:aws:kms:eu-west-1:089972051332:key/9d9fca31-54c5-4df5-ba4f-127dfb9a5031
Now you can add encrypted values to you property files. An encrypted value must always start with {cipher}
Those properties are automatically decrypted on application startup.
E.g. application.yml
secretPassword: '{cipher}CiA47hYvQqWFFGq3TLtzQO5FwZMam2AnaeQt4PGEZHhDLxFTAQEBAgB4OO4WL0KlhRRqt0y7c0DuRcGTGptgJ8nkLeDxhGR4Qy8AAABqMGgGCSqGSIb3DQEHBqBbMFkCAQAwVAYJKoZIhvcNAQcBMB4GCWCGSAFlAwQBLjARBAx61LJpXQwgTcnGeSQCARCAJ4xhpGC5HT2xT+Vhy2iAuT+P/PLliZK5u6CiGhgudteZsCr7VJ/1aw=='
The Spring Cloud Config Server library provides an endpoint to encrypt plain text strings. Make sure to secure this endpoint properly! See reference for details.
You can also use AWS CLI or our small CLI tool to encrypt and decrypt values.
mvn clean release:prepare -Prelease,sonatype -Dresume=false
mvn release:perform -Prelease,sonatype