
The EMF Detector app is a sophisticated tool designed by flutter to measure and display electromagnetic fields (EMF) in your surroundings.

Primary LanguageC++

EMF Detector App


The EMF Detector app is a sophisticated tool designed to measure and display electromagnetic fields (EMF) in your surroundings. Utilizing the sensors available on your mobile device, this app provides real-time readings of the magnetic field strength, giving users insights into the levels of electromagnetic radiation they are exposed to.

Key Features

  • Real-Time EMF Readings: The app continuously monitors and displays the EMF levels in microteslas (µT) with high precision.
  • User-Friendly Interface: An intuitive and visually appealing interface that is easy to navigate.
  • Radial Gauge Display: A dynamic radial gauge that visually represents the EMF strength, categorizing the readings into safe, moderate, and dangerous zones.
  • Historical Data: The app stores a limited history of recent readings, allowing users to observe trends and changes over time.
  • Unit Display: The app displays the EMF readings in both numeric and textual formats, ensuring clarity and ease of understanding.

Technical Details

  • Built with Flutter: The app is developed using the Flutter framework, ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience across both iOS and Android platforms.
  • Sensors Plus Package: Leverages the sensors_plus package for accessing the device's magnetometer sensor, which is crucial for detecting EMF levels.
  • Provider Package: Utilizes the provider package for state management, ensuring that the UI updates in real-time as the sensor data changes.
  • Syncfusion Flutter Gauges: Uses the Syncfusion Flutter Gauges package to create a visually appealing and informative radial gauge that displays the EMF readings.

How It Works

  1. Sensor Initialization: Upon launching the app, it initializes the magnetometer sensor to start receiving EMF data.
  2. Data Processing: The raw data from the sensor is processed to calculate the magnitude of the electromagnetic field.
  3. UI Updates: The processed data is then used to update the UI elements, including the radial gauge and the textual display of the EMF reading.

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Usage Scenarios

  • Home Safety: Identify areas in your home with high electromagnetic radiation to ensure a safe living environment.
  • Device Testing: Test the electromagnetic emissions from various electronic devices and appliances.
  • Curiosity and Education: Learn about electromagnetic fields and their presence in everyday environments.