
Save a PDF file as a set of tiles at various resolutions.

Primary LanguageC


Welcome to PDF_DeepZoom utility. This tool, writtten in C, allows you to create a set of tiles at various resolutions from a PDF file using the C api from the libvips project. This code is based on libvips v8.6.3. The version v8.7 is now using the PDF loader based on Google’s PDFium project which is not implemented in this code.


In order to compile and execute this tool you need to install libvips with PDF support. You'll find the steps at the project install webpage. Make sure to have this lines during the configure step:

PDF import with poppler - glib : yes
image pyramid export : yes


To run this code you must have this folder /public/images/dzi/ at the root of your working folder. Feel free to adapt the code to fit your needs! You can compile the code with this line:

$ gcc -Wall -o PDF_DeepZoom PDF_DeepZoom.c `pkg-config vips --cflags --libs`

And run it with:

$ ./PDF_DeepZoom pdfFile outputFolder

Where pdfFile is the pdf you want to process and outputFolder the folder name where to store the result.


First the pdf file is loaded with the vips_pdfload() function. The resolution is set to 300 dpi because i need a high level of zoom but if you need lower resolution you can set the gdouble dpi variable at the top of the source code, by default vips_pdfload() use a value of 72 dpi. Be aware that this process is time consuming.

Then the folder to store the result is created in /public/images/dzi/ with the name you passed as the second argument.

Next the tiles are generated with the vips_dzsave() function. If this process is successful a thumbnail will be created as well.


Now you can use this tiles to view your PDF with leaflet for example or any tools using Deep Zoom concept.


A special thanks to Mathieu Dorville for his help understanding the C langage.