C# Library to communicate with the InReach Satellite API
- Prevents serialization of private attributes on subclasses where OptIn behavior was not applied.
[1/24/2020] v0.1.2 Proper response deserialization, exception handling, and support for non-attribute uri parameters
- Breaking change: Services.Send(APIModel) has been renamed to Services.Process(APIModel)
- Breaking change: APIMessage has been renamed to APIModel
- Breaking change: Configuration & credentials are now set when instantiating InreachIPC.Services(...)
- Binary messages are limited to 268 bytes
- Text messages are limited to 160 chars
Install-Package Ayva.InreachIPC
- Binary Messages
- Text Messages
- API Version Query
- API Region Selection
- Exception Handling
- Response Model Deserialization
- Outbound Message Callback
- Location History
- Last Known Location
- Location Request
- Tracking
- Emergency Status
- InreachIPC.Config.APIEndpoint: [US, Europe, Australia, Custom]
//Create the API with credentials and optional endpoint
InreachIPC.Services API = new InreachIPC.Services(username:"user@name", password:"correct horse battery staple!", region: InreachIPC.Config.RegionalEndpoints.US);
//First create the API model - we'll use VersionModel for this example
var APIVersion = new InreachIPC.Messaging.VersionModel();
//Then send it to InreachIPC.Services to process the request & response. The model will be populated with the result information, diagnostic information, and the response.
Console.WriteLine($"Unprocessed APIVersion: {APIVersion}");
Console.WriteLine($"Processed APIVersion: {await API.Process(APIVersion)}");
/** Result:
Unprocessed APIVersion: {Model=VersionModel, Path=Messaging.svc/Version, Status=NEW, ID=87207750-1ac1-4459-b4b5-d0641140687e | JSON: "{}"}
Processed APIVersion: {Model=VersionModel, Path=Messaging.svc/Version, Status=PROCESSED, ID=87207750-1ac1-4459-b4b5-d0641140687e | JSON: "{"Build":"","Service":"Messaging","URL":"https://airdroptracker.com/IPCInbound/V1/Messaging.svc","Version":"V1"}"}
//There are a few other informational methods implemented on the APIModel type:
// Get the JSON-parsed & formatted result
Console.WriteLine($"Model.GetJsonResult(): {await APIVersion.GetJsonResult()}");
/** Result:
Model.GetJsonResult(): {
"Build": "",
"Service": "Messaging",
"URL": "https://airdroptracker.com/IPCInbound/V1/Messaging.svc",
"Version": "V1"
// Get the raw result text
Console.WriteLine($"Model.GetRawResult(): {await APIVersion.GetRawResult()}");
/** Result:
Model.GetRawResult(): {"Build":"","Service":"Messaging","URL":"https:\/\/airdroptracker.com\/IPCInbound\/V1\/Messaging.svc","Version":"V1"}
var DeviceIMEI = 555555555555555;
var Sender = "5165559817";
//Binary Message Example
var binaryMessage = new InreachIPC.Messaging.BinaryMessageModel()
Messages = new List<InreachIPC.Messaging.BinaryMessageModel.Message>()
new InreachIPC.Messaging.BinaryMessageModel.Message()
//Max payload is 268 bytes, recipient is the IMEI
Payload = new byte[3]{0x00, 0x01, 0x02},
Recipients = {DeviceIMEI},
Type = InreachIPC.Messaging.BinaryMessageModel.Message.BinaryTypeModel.Generic
//Text Message Example
var textMessage = new InreachIPC.Messaging.TextMessageModel()
Messages = new List<InreachIPC.Messaging.TextMessageModel.Message>()
new InreachIPC.Messaging.TextMessageModel.Message()
MessageText = "API TextMessage Test",
Recipients = {DeviceIMEI},
Sender = Sender,
Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow
/** Final warning: These cost money/credits on plans without unlimited messaging, and require valid credentials **/
Console.WriteLine(await API.Process(binaryMessage));
Console.WriteLine(await API.Process(textMessage));
catch (InreachIPC.Services.InreachIPCException e)
/** Example exception (formatted):
Message="API request failed",
Response={"Code":3,"Description":"","IMEI":null,"Message":"Invalid username or password","URL":"https:\/\/airdroptracker.com\/IPCInbound\/V1\/Messaging.svc\/Binary"},
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