Grey-Administration-Manager ( crap name ik ) or GAM is a simple app made with Windows Forms in a day for quickly launching other applications from a single place. Made because one day I was too lazy to navigate to my desired app's folder or search for it using windows search.
How to Use:
On the left side is the Entry list, an entry consists of:
- The application's name.
- The path to its executable.
- A boolean of whether it will be launched by the top middle "LaunchStartUps" button.
The Entry list contains 39 entries per page. If you create an entry in a full page you will be redirected to the last ( if it has free space ) or a new page, the entry will be there. If you remove the last entry in the page you will be redirected to the previous page if it exists.
Main Panel Buttons:
- Next page opens the next page if it exists.
- Previous page opens the previous page if it exists.
- GAM StartUP Y\N <- This button is a toggle of whether GAM startsup with windows. Y - Starts up, N - Doesn't start up.
- Launch StartUps iterates through all the entries, if an entry has StartUp enabled and has a valid executable path, its .exe is opened.
- Save button serves for editing existing entries.
- AddApp button adds a new entry with the given values.
- Remove button removes the currently selected entry.
- In the provided image the middle field, aka "DeadCore" is where you input the Entrie's title.
- The field near the "Path" label is where you input the directory of the executable, f.e "C:\Games\DeadCore\DeadCore.exe"
- The button near the "StartUp" label toggles whether this entry is launched by the top middle "LaunchStartUps" button.
- The "Launch Application" button runs the executable with the above given path.
The field in the center bottom is for event messages, for example when you edit / add / remove an entry, other events also exist.