
My dotfiles for Linux, Windows and MacOS

Primary LanguageShell


This dotfiles repo is supposed to be used with chezmoi.

Full-featured Ubuntu

sudo snap install chezmoi --classic
chezmoi init GreyCat --apply

Full-featured RedHat

wget https://github.com/twpayne/chezmoi/releases/download/v2.48.2/chezmoi-2.48.2-x86_64.rpm
sudo rpm -U chezmoi-2.48.2-x86_64.rpm
chezmoi init GreyCat --apply

Bare Linux

sh -c "$(curl -fsLS get.chezmoi.io)" -- init --apply GreyCat

Short-lived machines

sh -c "$(curl -fsLS get.chezmoi.io)" -- init --one-shot GreyCat

Windows devbox

choco install -y chezmoi
chezmoi init GreyCat --apply


chezmoi update