
Useful modules for my current and future Go projects, it can be used for some usual tasks in different type of projects

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Useful modules for my current and future Go projects, it can be used for some usual tasks in different type of projects


  • filetool.go

  • taskmanager.go

  • logging.go

Filetool functions:

  • OpenFile(fileName string) *os.File

  • CreateFile(fileName string) *os.File

  • CloseFile(file *os.File)

  • AppendToFile(file *os.File, stringToAppend string)

  • AppendToFileAndClose(file *os.File, stringToAppend string)

  • ReadImage(imagePath string) (outImage image.Image) - for .png files

  • SaveImage(imagePath string, targetImage image.Image) - for .png files

  • DownloadImage(imageURL string, imageName string, callback DownloadCallback) - callback executing after image dowloaded

Taskmanager functions:

  • StartPeriodicTask(taskExecutionPeriod int64, timePeriodType string, workingPeriodStartHour int, workingPeriodEndHour int, controlChannel chan string, task PeriodicTask) - executing PeriodicTask (just function) with some parameters periodically, task can be stopped by sending to its controlChannel "stop" string

  • DoPeriodicTaskAtTime(timeToStart string, controlChannel chan string, task PeriodicTask) - executing same PeriodicTask at current time every day, every minute time checking, time format example "20:30" (HH:mm), task can be stopped by sending to its controlChannel "stop" string

  • CompleteTaskQueue(taskQueue []SingleTask, endMessage string, controlChannel chan string) - executing task array/slice alternately, one by one, after execunig fuction sends endMessage to it controlChannel, SingleTask - just function

Logging functions:

  • Global access after logger initialization

  • Colored log outputs in your console

  • Few main log types like Info, Debug, Error