Useful modules for my current and future Go projects, it can be used for some usual tasks in different type of projects
Filetool functions:
OpenFile(fileName string) *os.File
CreateFile(fileName string) *os.File
CloseFile(file *os.File)
AppendToFile(file *os.File, stringToAppend string)
AppendToFileAndClose(file *os.File, stringToAppend string)
ReadImage(imagePath string) (outImage image.Image) - for .png files
SaveImage(imagePath string, targetImage image.Image) - for .png files
DownloadImage(imageURL string, imageName string, callback DownloadCallback) - callback executing after image dowloaded
Taskmanager functions:
StartPeriodicTask(taskExecutionPeriod int64, timePeriodType string, workingPeriodStartHour int, workingPeriodEndHour int, controlChannel chan string, task PeriodicTask) - executing PeriodicTask (just function) with some parameters periodically, task can be stopped by sending to its controlChannel "stop" string
DoPeriodicTaskAtTime(timeToStart string, controlChannel chan string, task PeriodicTask) - executing same PeriodicTask at current time every day, every minute time checking, time format example "20:30" (HH:mm), task can be stopped by sending to its controlChannel "stop" string
CompleteTaskQueue(taskQueue []SingleTask, endMessage string, controlChannel chan string) - executing task array/slice alternately, one by one, after execunig fuction sends endMessage to it controlChannel, SingleTask - just function
Logging functions:
Global access after logger initialization
Colored log outputs in your console
Few main log types like Info, Debug, Error