
This file was generated while following "Learn Srping Boot (MVC) in 50 minutes" by Iam Djalas (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ke7Tr4RgRTs).

The project uses IntelliJ (with Maven and SpringBoot). Postman is also used to see the results of Crud messages (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE). These can also be seen on the local host, but if that is not available, Postman can be used.

In order to create an interface that would be able to read MySQL data, in IntelliJ, we can go from the FakeStudentDaoImplementation by doing Refactor>Extract>Interface... Select all of the methods in the fake data and rename the class to StudentDao. This will create an interface named StudentDao.

You can switch between the data that various dbases use by using the @Qualifier annotation and the name of the data source (e.g. @Qualifier("fakedata") or @Qualifier("mysqldata").