
A coding challenge using Formik and Yup!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This was a code challenge, and here's a bit of reflection on it.

The goal was to to quickly implement new technologies, Formik and Yup. I realized that my instinct when approaching a new technology in a short period of time is to see how quickly I can break it. I think I did pretty well!

Notice in the UserSurvey component, every time the Next button is clicked, we validate the entire form. This was because Formik's validateForm() will return and object errors, where as validateField() never does. The if/else that followed this validation was able to prevent the next question from rendering, but I also had to manually setFieldError to get errors to populate.

On the branch survey-builder, I took a different approach. Formik also offers a method called setFieldTouched() which triggers validation by flagging specific fields as touched. Using this method required less manual form control. On this branch I also explored useFormikContext() which allowed me to inject formikBag values into useEffect.

While this branch successfully creates and offers users other surveys, it still highlights three areas for growth:

  • When you Finish the survey's creation, there is plenty of opportunity for un-checked error - this was an issue of time
  • While the MadLibBuilder seems to be able to create errors and provide validation for new fields, I don't believe they're actually validating. how do we approach dynamically rendered Fields with validation?
  • The survey's aren't actually takeable, which seems to be an issue with the Schema, but again, time didn't allow for further exploration.