
This program basic data objects are name,surname,products,invoice number and cost. We need to define a structure type that groups all relevant attributes about sale system. Then we can store database of these structures in an array and look up analyze and use these values as needed . To use these values , the saler will need to enter customer name and surname, products,x coordinate,y coordinate and invoice number.

Primary LanguageC


My goal is make a saler system for shops to make saler duty easier.So saler don’t have to write customer name,surname,x coordinate,y coordinate and customer tpye and thanks to my program.Also saler do not have to keep datas of guests.Furthermore there is time wasting to write all informations and keep them so my program will prevent waste of time.Moreover I decrease consumption of paper so we help to recycling and natural life by using this program.

This program basic data objects are name,surname,products,invoice number and cost. We need to define a structure type that groups all relevant attributes about sale system. Then we can store database of these structures in an array and look up analyze and use these values as needed . To use these values , the saler will need to enter customer name and surname, products,x coordinate,y coordinate and invoice number.