Detailed topological information
BDonnot opened this issue · 0 comments
BDonnot commented
TODO for this feature:
- being able to compute the position of the switches given the "topo_vect" vector (done, for standard importer for ieee grid)
- being able to compute the topo_vect / shunt_bus from the the position of the switches (super slow -loops in python- but working)
- being able to act directly on the switches (regular grid2op action)
- some work on the "observation" module, especially, to avoid translating topology over and over again between switches and "topo_vect"
- make "topo_vect" a property
- make a property for the switches
- add two attributes that stores the switches configuration (if any) or the switch configuration (if any)
- code the accessor of topo_vect / switch_position based on previous info
- documentation
- tests
- example on how to use this feature (would be in beta at first release)
- notebooks
/!\ in the case only the "topo_vect" info is given, the "switch_position" will be inferred from the topo_vect (and possibly the last known switch state). In this case we need to add a flag to say that it's not "THE" switch position but it's "A" switch position.
Then :
- integration with gym_compat module
- test
- doc
- performance improvment