
Same core functionality as the ignite-streaming-monitoring-demo except this is functional for GridGain version 9

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Apache Ignite Market Orders Streaming Demo

The demo starts a simple application that simulates trading activities of a stock exchange.
The application receives simulated market orders in real-time via the following data providor:

[PubNub Market Order Data Stream]

The received data is subsequently forwarded to a locally running GridGain cluster.

Dependencies, Compile & Build

This demo is configured to execute against GridGain version 9.0.0
This program is compiled using Java version 11.0.20
This program is built using Maven version 3.8.7
mvn clean package

Other Requirements

You will need to obtain a demo license and change the license file
location to a valid path for your environment in your server
configuration file before starting your server nodes.

Program Process

Launch one or more GridGain 9 server nodes each in its own command window.
The Cluster node should have native persistence enabled.

Program Arguments

The program supports 2 command line arguments described as follows:
execTime=x where x is the desired number of minutes to run the program for
If the execTime argument is not supplied then the default execTime is 15 minutes

execCount=y where y is the minimum number of Trade records to save
Note that if the execCount argument is supplied then this argument overrides the
execTime argument and the system will check the saved records every 30 seconds. The program will stop after y number of records or more have been saved.

Example Invocations

Example invocations are listed below (windows):
java -cp .\target\ignite-streaming-app.jar org.gridgain.demo.StreamingApplication
java -cp .\target\ignite-streaming-app.jar org.gridgain.demo.StreamingApplication execTime=10
java -cp .\target\ignite-streaming-app.jar org.gridgain.demo.StreamingApplication execCount=1000

Example invocations are listed below (linux):
java -cp ./target/ignite-streaming-app.jar org.gridgain.demo.StreamingApplication
java -cp ./target/ignite-streaming-app.jar org.gridgain.demo.StreamingApplication execTime=10 java -cp ./target/ignite-streaming-app.jar org.gridgain.demo.StreamingApplication execCount=1000