- 2
Add max archive size setting
#28 opened by arkrohne - 0
- 2
- 0
- 1
- 2
How to get openPDC data in openHistorian.
#74 opened by deathfromheaven - 4
lossless data compression
#73 opened by deathfromheaven - 4
- 2
Reinstall under different service credentials does not overwrite HTTP reservations
#70 opened by ritchiecarroll - 0
- 2
- 23
Service unexpected stop
#52 opened by wwang72 - 10
Adding New Device (hardware PMU)
#55 opened by arz-ece - 1
Trend/Export Measurements Timestamps
#54 opened by RenosKo - 1
Update openHistorian Grafana Instance
#50 opened by ritchiecarroll - 0
Multiple indexes
#51 opened by StephenCWills - 3
Is there any mechanism to store Historian Data directly into any RDBMS like Oracle/SQL Server instead of Files
#49 opened by ankitshah-it - 3
Full Documentation for OpenHistorian
#48 opened by ankitshah-it - 1
API to query measurement details
#45 opened by Xinya-Li - 4
- 3
API open Historian
#43 opened by esoda - 1
Custom adapters and data archiving stopped
#44 opened by wwang72 - 8
- 15
connecting the openhistorian 2 with PMU
#42 opened by saelwahid - 3
How to migrate data from one installation of openHistorian to another computer for trending/visualization
#39 opened by yasharken - 4
- 2
How to make a synchrophasor through TCP package
#32 opened by HeYin1 - 4
Issue with TCP package
#31 opened by HeYin1 - 2
- 1
- 2
Openhistorian Manager crash
#36 opened by pietropau - 4
Grafana Abnormality
#38 opened by wwang72 - 2
- 3
PIAdapter not loaded
#35 opened by wwang72 - 1
Data Validation
#34 opened by wwang72 - 1
Device list export fails
#33 opened by arkrohne - 3
linux support
#17 opened by markrey - 1
Grafana API
#30 opened by wwang72 - 1
The data become "NAN"
#29 opened by HeYin1 - 4
OpenHistorian Action Adapter Unknown Stop
#26 opened by wwang72 - 1
- 2
- 1
openhistorian storage
#24 opened by pietropau - 13
openhistorian web manager
#23 opened by pietropau - 10
Initializtion Issue
#21 opened by wwang72 - 4
- 27
Archive files are missing data
#19 opened by yuwenpeng - 10
#14 opened by cosimopis - 6
- 8
#15 opened by cosimopis