
Interface with KeeWeb/KeePassXC and kde shortcuts

Primary LanguageShell



Scripts related to synchronization between KeepassXC and Keeweb with KDE. Related to this repository.

URL check


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Copy the .env.example into .env-webdav inside our /home/${USER}
  3. Add your credentials to .env-webdav in base64 format. You should use the same that is defined here. To add it launch this command according to your credentials:
    echo "${USER}:${PASSWORD}" | base64 | tee -a .env-webdav
  4. Update variables in .env-webdav according to your needs.


This section is optionnal and show an approach how to use KeepassXC with the file hosted on your WedDAV server.

⚠️ This section is related to KDE

The goal is to overrides commands launched when opening KeepassXC.
In KDE, we create application and specify commands to launch them. To do so :

  1. Install KeepassXC on your computer.
  2. Make sure to launch it with keepass command in terminal.
  3. Clone this repository, go in the folder cloned and make script files executable :
    chmod u+X *.sh
  4. Right click on Application Launcher and Edit Applications in the menu.
  5. Add a custom entry Keepass and set a command to launch the database_retrieve.sh file (don't forget to use the path where the file is located).
  6. Save the changes, you're now ready to use KeepassXC with Keeweb 😄.


To check if the script is working, open the database_retrieve.sh file and run it. It should retrieve the database from Keeweb and save it in ${GK_PATH}/${GK_CONFIG_FILE} file. Try to modify some entry with the KeepassXC application and check if the changes are repercuted on Keeweb.

© Created by GridexX with 💻 Bash during a sunny day ☀️