
This repository aims to scrap mails send from lacartedescolocs.fr, calculate travel time and automate the process of searching a flat

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This project showcase how to use the LaCarteDesColocs Email Push Notification with Google API to automate the flat share process.


  • A Google Cloud Platform account with the Gmail API and Maps enabled.
  • An API key for the Google Maps and Calendar API.
  • A credentials.json file for the Gmail API.
  • Mail Notifications from LaCarteDesColocs enabled.


You need to have a .env file with the following variables:

  • GOOGLE_API_KEY : Your Google Maps API key.


git clone git@github.com:GridexX/search-coloc.git
cd search-coloc
npm install


This repository contains a few scripts to automate the flat share process.

Retrieve the last announces from LaCarteDesColocs

Each morning, you received a mail from LaCarteDesColocs with the last announces.

Ths script will retrieve the last announces from the mail and save them into a JSON file.
Announce are sorted by travel_time from your work and the city center to the announce location.

🫲 Filtering the announces

You can modify the filterApartment function to filter the announces based on your preferences.

function filterApartments(apartments) {

  const maxRooms = 5; // 4 roommates and the living room
  const minSurface = 10; // 10 m2 for the room

  const maxTravelComedie = 12; // 12 minutes by bike to Comedie
  const maxTravelPolytech = 20; // 20 minutes by bike to Polytech

  return apartments.filter(apartment => {
    return apartment.rooms <= maxRooms &&
      apartment.roomSurface >= minSurface &&
      apartment.travelTimeBikeToComedie <= maxTravelComedie &&
      apartment.travelTimeBikeToPolytech <= maxTravelPolytech;


Filtered Apartments are then saved in a global.csv file.

🔍 Analyze the announces

This section analyze the announce based on some criteria. It uses the power of ChatGPT to generate a summary of the announce and Notion to save the announce.


For this step, you need to have a Notion Database template downloaded. You need to authorize the integration of your DB in Notion, see here.

You also must have a NOTION_TOKEN and NOTION_DATABASE_ID in your .env file.

You can find the Notion Database template here

Once you met the pre-requisites, you can run the script to analyze the announces.

  1. Copy the announce and insert it into the prompt.
  export ANNOUNCE=$(pbpaste)
  envsubst < prompt.txt > prompt2
  1. Copy the prompt into ChatGPT and generate a summary of the announce.
  2. Copy the generated command into the terminal !
  3. The script will generate a summary of the announce and save it into your Notion Database 🤩
  4. Remove the prompt2 file.


Update the prompt.txt to match your preferences. Also, you can modify the Notion Template to save more information about the announce.

