
A Replugged plug-in that has been ported from Powercord which introduces an interchangeable statistic counter in-between the home button and servers list.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Statistic Counter

Formally known as "Online Friends Count", this is a Replugged plug-in that has been ported from Powercord which introduces an interchangeable statistic counter in-between the home button and servers list.

License: MIT Total Downloads Install in Replugged


  • Multiple counters (i.e. number of friends online, total number of friends, incoming friend requests, blocked users, and total number of servers joined).
  • Auto rotation with a customizable interval - useful for switching between counters without the need of clicking.

Planned Features

  • Add a settings page
  • Display a real-time preview under the settings page
  • Implement a context menu to quickly change settings


To customize the counter, you can either use the settings page, the counter context menu, or manually set your preferences by entering the following method under your DevTools console (Ctrl + Shift + I and click on the "Console" tab):

// Replace the `key` and `value` respectively - you can use the table below as a reference
(await replugged.settings.init('xyz.griefmodz.StatisticCounter')).set(key, value);
Key Description Default
autoRotation Rotate between counters false
autoRotationDelay Delay between rotations 5e3
autoRotationHoverPause Pause the rotation upon hover true
preserveLastCounter Remember the last counter false
viewOrder Change counter order ['online', 'friends', 'pending', 'blocked', 'guilds']
online Enable online counter true
friends Enable friends counter true
pending Enable pending counter true
blocked Enable blocked counter true
guilds Enable servers counter true


