
Playground for making my own monitoring solution. Not meant for productive use.

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A small Java monitoring program. Displays problematic hosts depending on their status.

Light mode Dark mode
light home dark home



All you need is a hosts.json file in the base directory in which you are executing Monitoring, and you're good to go. Here's an example for a hosts.json-file:

  "hosts": [
      "name": "Griefed's Homepage",
      "address": "https://griefed.de",
      "ports": "9001,9002,9003,9004,9005"
      "name": "Griefed's Git Haven",
      "address": "https://git.griefed.de",
      "expectedIp": ""
      "name": "Griefed's Wiki",
      "address": "https://wiki.griefed.de"
      "name": "GitHub",
      "address": "https://github.com"
      "name": "Indie Retro News",
      "address": "https://www.indieretronews.com"
      "name": "Example",
      "address": "https://example.com",
      "notificationsDisabled": true

Each configured host can have a set of ports with which the host availability is checked in case a regular ping fails. If no host-individual port setting is available, the globally configured ports from the property de.griefed.monitoring.host.ports are used. If you set the property de.griefed.monitoring.ports.additive to true, the two settings are combined, resulting in a singular list consisting of host-individual ports and globally configured ports.

Bear in mind that the more ports you configure, the longer it can take to determine whether a host is available.

Default configuration

Default values are:

de.griefed.monitoring.schedule.hosts=0 */5 * * * *
de.griefed.monitoring.schedule.updatecheck=0 0 0 * * *
Property Description
de.griefed.monitoring.schedule.hosts Cron schedule at which host information is refreshed. To disable a cronjob, set it to -
de.griefed.monitoring.polling Milliseconds. Interval at which the frontend should refresh visible data.
de.griefed.monitoring.thread.count Number of threads to use for host information acquisition.
de.griefed.monitoring.host.ports Global configuration for ports with which to check for host availability.
de.griefed.monitoring.ports.additive Whether globally configured ports are to be added to host-individual ports, if configured.
de.griefed.monitoring.particles.count Amount of particles to display in the web-frontend.
de.griefed.monitoring.schedule.updatecheck Cron schedule at which to check for available updates. To disable a cronjob, set it to -
de.griefed.monitoring.notifications Whether notifications are enabled. Set to falseto disable all notifications.
mail.smtp.starttls.enable Whether STARTTLS is enabled.
mail.smtp.auth Whether authentication is required.
mail.smtp.host Your SMPT host.
mail.smtp.port The SMTP port of your host.
mail.recipients The recipient of the notification email.
mail.from The name from which the email is sent.
mail.user Username for your SMTP host.
mail.password Password for your SMTP host.

The docker image comes with a prepared hosts.json-file:

  "hosts": [
      "name": "Griefed's Homepage",
      "address": "https://griefed.de"
      "name": "GitHub",
      "address": "https://github.com"

Deploying Monitoring


version: '3'
    image: griefed/monitoring:latest
    container_name: monitoring
    restart: unless-stopped
      - TZ=Europe/Berlin
      - PUID=1000 # Your users ID
      - PGID=1000 # Your groups ID
      - ./monitoring/config:/config # Path on your host where configuration files of Monitoring will be stored.
      - 8080:8080 # Port at which the application will be available at.

After the container is created and started, it will generate all default files in ./monitoring/config (unless you changed it). In order to customize the behaviour of Monitoring, first stop the container with docker stop monitoring, then edit the application.properties-file, or any other file you wish to change, in ./monitoring/config (unless you changed it), and run docker start monitoring again. Done!

Using the jar

Download the latest jar-file from the releases-page and execute it with java -jar Monitoring-$VERSION.jar. This will generate all default files and most importantly, the application.properties file. If you wish to customize this file, you need to quit Monitoring, make your changes to the application.properties and then start Monitoring again. Done!